Hogg IS NOT Inventing His Own Pillow to Compete With MyPillow
David Hogg is a 100% bona fide grifter and fraud. This kid looks for issues to stick his nose in, ever since the Parkland attack HE WAS NOT at. He left the school and…
David Hogg is a 100% bona fide grifter and fraud. This kid looks for issues to stick his nose in, ever since the Parkland attack HE WAS NOT at. He left the school and…
Attempting to sound smart, rational and reasonable in this “we must do something” age, petulant child, unhinged radical Leftist TOOL David Hogg just gave Second Amendment activists an gift! MSDNC’s Chris Hayes asked what…
Do you own an Armalite rifle (AR-15)? If so, according to this CHILD, David Hogg, you are hunting human beings! First off Armalite rifles are not these alleged “assault weapons” gun grabbers keep labeling…
Being that this time of year is spring break for many in school and it was Easter, there is zero proof the first week of April Laura Ingraham has taken off has anything to do…
The Left’s new weapon, David Hogg, is quite the snowflake who can’t take one bit of criticism. Laura Ingraham simply tweeted out a link to a DailyWire piece adding to its headline Hogg “whined”…
Laura Ingraham tweeted out a story by DailyWire about David Hogg being rejected by four So CA colleges, where she took a harmless jab at the little guy. David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To…
The Left’s chosen one, an uneducated, uninformed tool really, to advance gun control, Parkland Student David Hogg, gave a profanity laced interview attacking the NRA. Not one word came out of his mouth about the…