Hank Johnson is the Dumbest Man in Congress
How in the hell has Hank Johnson been able to stay in Congress for so long? In general many members of Congress aren’t too bright, but this guy makes them all look like geniuses. You…
How in the hell has Hank Johnson been able to stay in Congress for so long? In general many members of Congress aren’t too bright, but this guy makes them all look like geniuses. You…
Hank Johnson aside from being one of the dumbest SOB’s to ever hold political office is doing his part to ensure this nation remains permanently divided. The fool who actually questioned whether Guam would…
Hank Johnson, aka Mr Guam Might Tip Over, is the last guy who should be making recommendations to grant more power to the Executive Branch (fyi DHS falls under the Executive Branch) to have oversight…
A piece of you wants to see loons like Rep Hank Johnson run out of Congress but another wants to see politicians like him kept around for the pure entertainment. Johnson is the model dem…
Yes Hank Johnson is back making another ridiculous claim stoking the flames of racism. While Johnson runs through list of names of those killed by cops one has to wonder what about the cops killed…
#1 The HuffPo reporter from the sounds of it should have had his press credentials clearly displayed on him (wearing it on lanyard or clipped to shirt/ vest/ backpack strap whatever) like 99% of press…
Heres the vid of Holder testifying to Hank Johnson You know it’s bad when the Huffington Post is calling for Holder to resign! Holder OK’d search warrant for Fox News reporter’s private emails By Michael…
Has Guam tipped over yet? Maybe the balloons will be used to keep it level! Really?! This is what our tax dollars are being spent on? We are doomed!
You know whose fault it is for this? Everyone on the right, TEA Party, conservatives etc for allowing the left to continue their race hustling! This playing nice and by the book must end, otherwise…
Your tax dollars hard at work! How does it feel knowing this lunatic gets $174,000 a year?!