DHS Recruiting Volunteers To Do Chores For Illegals
This corrupt govt is not only leaving the border wide open but now they’re looking for volunteers to do chores for illegals. Watch the latest video at foxnews.com Yep, this govt is catering to…
This corrupt govt is not only leaving the border wide open but now they’re looking for volunteers to do chores for illegals. Watch the latest video at foxnews.com Yep, this govt is catering to…
There is nothing better than watching Leftists destroy each other, especially when it’s a member of Congress getting humiliated by her own constituents! During a town hall two men interrupted senior Squad member AOC…
EVERYTHING people were censored if not canceled over for opposing and speaking out against the bug vạccỉnẹ are being proven to be true. Many, including yours truly, warned that it was dangerous to take…
The harlot is making the rounds again running to late night tv, no one watches, whining about GOP governors busing illegals to her home, accusing them of “dereliction of duty”! According to this idiot…
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is having a bit of a meltdown because of the illegal aliens being bused and flown in from red states, that are overwhelmed because of Biden’s illegal open…
Progressives are obsessed with abortion its a religion to them, like climate hoax. These monsters are encouraging promiscuous lifestyle not just for adults in college as the Edu Sec does here, but children too,…
The monsters are no longer hiding in the shadows, they’re out and bragging about how they control the flow of information for their climate change religion. This is Melissa Fleming, the UN’sUnder Sec for…
Dems delusions of grandeur and desperation are at all time highs. They truly believe humans who equate to a spec of dust in the life of this planet that has been bombarded by meteors,…
The Left is losing their minds bending over backwards now to paint conservatives/MAGA as some radical movement that is a threat to “democracy” and will “essentially destroy the United States of America”. That’s right…
Stacey Abrams, an individual who has really done nothing but has the power to control GA’s governor and state AG continues to push lies and misinformation, widening the division between Americans. In this clip,…