Obama Lies 15 Times: No Boots on the Ground in Syria
Sad to say we as a people are getting pretty used to seeing video montages like this of der leader obama lying through his teeth. After almost 7 years of his lies and lawlessness don’t…
Sad to say we as a people are getting pretty used to seeing video montages like this of der leader obama lying through his teeth. After almost 7 years of his lies and lawlessness don’t…
50 special operators isn’t going to stop ISIS even if they are better than Tier 1 operators! 50 of our absolute best special operators cannot fight and defeat 100K++ jihadist fighters who have a death…
There are no “moderates” in Syria for the US to aid and abet! When McCain was calling for the the US to lend aid to “rebels” we learned not too long after said rebels are…
Retired General Jack Keane weighed in on Russia’s aggression in the middle east which will only escalate into a full-out war. Some may disagree but Keane is correct to suggest we are in a proxy…
[As you can see my video above, which was also used on Fox News is gone! Youtube REMOVED IT without my knowledge!] If you haven’t seen Homeland you’re missing a great show. Oct 4th was…
Judge Pirro schooled obama for showing no backbone with Russia’s Putin’s aggression in Syria. By taking military action in Syria the uninformed around the world interprets Russia as a the new leader in troubling times….
This guy can’t lie very well since we all know there is NO anti-ISIS strategy. The Iraqis had training and equipment at the cost of American blood & treasure but when reality hit they may…
The only core of al Qaeda that has been decimated was bin Laden. They have taken their lumps over the years but the group is still engaged in battle from Syria to Afghanistan and God…
A report has come in that Iraqi government has uncovered a plot for an imminent attack on the subway systems in the US and Paris. This Vice News interview with IS member Abu Usamah Somali…
I just watched the video “A Message to America” you can view here but be warned it is graphic NC-17. I’m going to get just a little raw here…. I am beyond tired of these…