The Project
This documentary is a must see and then, if you haven’t, watch Rumors of War III. You will understand what is going on in this country and around the world is all by design. Nothing,…
This documentary is a must see and then, if you haven’t, watch Rumors of War III. You will understand what is going on in this country and around the world is all by design. Nothing,…
One of the biggest things that stands out from part II is what you are seeing in the UN with cries for free speech restriction is by design. It is not an accident. The anti-muslim…
The Project: – Use deception in all areas of government and society to disguise the Islamist agenda – Support Jihad movements across the world through propaganda and material support – Conduct covert operations within the…
The gaslighting from the Left, which includes the pedos over at the Lincoln Project, is off the charts. Hacks like this Steve Schmidt think if they keep saying the Capitol riot was the worst…
If you haven’t heard Congress has finalized their 5,593 page $2.3 TRILLION omnibus spending and covid aid relief bill. Americans who have had their hours cut or jobs lost, businesses restricted if not put…
Even though Donald Trump won the election, and the GOP hold majorities in the House and Senate, the US’s economic problems of out of control spending and national debt remain. obama and the democrat party…….
More HRC evidence coming soon. Drip… Drip… Drip… — James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 22, 2016 The democrats and the crap media are doing a heck of a job ignoring James O’Keefe and Project Veritas…
The developer couldn’t get the mosque built at Ground Zero but now plans to build condos and an Islamic museum instead. One way or another islamists are going to plant their flag on NYC! Granted…
There is a general sentiment by conservatives to strip funding from the imperial regime to slow down and if possible put a halt to the emperors massive power grab. But keep your eyes and ears…
The emperor whines to the New Yorker but look how much he has done with little to no resistance from the republicants! Rush is right take a look around the economy is in the tank,…