The Great One Savages the GOP Over Disastrous Biden!
When the Great One Mark Levin speaks people need to stop and listen to what he’s saying. Tonight on Hannity as you would expect he took shots at the old guy for being corrupt,…
When the Great One Mark Levin speaks people need to stop and listen to what he’s saying. Tonight on Hannity as you would expect he took shots at the old guy for being corrupt,…
Whether this guy is reading from a teleprompter or notes in front of him he still screws it up, putting his cognitive decline on full display to the world. It’s not funny, it’s sad…
Progressives* (dems & repubs… they’re one in the same at this point) feeling emboldened now that the election is officially over are calling for Pres Trump to be impeached and/ or removed from office…
No, Nancy Pelosi is not standing up to Donald Trump in this pic. What you have here is a woman who was being put in her place by the President. Sitting there she made…
Disgraced Fmr Dep FBI Director Andy McCabe is making the rounds for his new book where he confirmed not only the Deep State DOES EXIST but actors on both sides of the aisle were/are…
On the surface when you first hear about the story from the NY Times*, that Rod Rosenstein considered wearing a wire and discussing the 25th Amendment with Cabinet members, you think “yep that sounds…
The NY Times story about Rod Rosenstein suggesting he would wear a wire and enlist cabinet members to invoke 25th Amendment is nothing but a trap for Pres Trump. As House Judiciary Committee ranking…
The Left was so adamant Pres Trump was guilty if collusion it’s all we heard for over a year. As that cooked up narrative flamed out they started in with obstruction, but knowing that too…
Democrat Rep Jackie Speier wants to see the 25th Amendment used to remove Pres Trump from office because she believes he is not equipped to handle the job. She believes POTUS is incapacitated because he…
The conga line a whack-job experts paraded on air by the corrupt media has no end in their crusade to trash, defame and remove Pres Trump from office. Bandy Lee, a forensic psychologist from the…