BetA Calls For Gun Confiscation
No one should be surprised that Bob Frank O’Rourke* reversed his reversal, ‘I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone’, and is back to calling for gun confiscation. He has always planned to confiscate…
No one should be surprised that Bob Frank O’Rourke* reversed his reversal, ‘I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone’, and is back to calling for gun confiscation. He has always planned to confiscate…
Joe Biden is the gift that keeps on giving everyday now! While touring a Detroit factory Biden got into it with an autoworker, in this close-up video, who confronted him on his gun control…
Well, failed democrat presidential candidate, Robert Frank O’Rourke is back in the game throwing his support/supporters (what/who-ever that is) to Joe Biden. The tyrant in the making gave a long winded speech attacking Pres…
Bob Frank O’Rourke is adamant if he is elected president, and Congress defies their oath violating the Constitution to outlaw/ban “weapons of war” (whatever the hell that is), anyone who defies his mandatory buyback…
Bob Frank O’Rourke is pushing hard on his “hell yes we’re going to take your guns” promise to stay relevant to democrat voters, in his futile quest to be President. As you would expect…
As predicted following Beto’s vow to confiscate guns if elected, the other dem candidates are jumping on the bandwagon. Joe Biden told reporters that he wants to ban all weapons that have multiple round…
Democrats… Leftists tend to be guarded, speak in code on some issues especially when it comes to the Second Amendment. They LOVE to use word salad to bury what they really want to do,…
Georgia Democrat candidate Stacey Abrams for governor dodged a direct question on her gun control position, where she cosponsored a bill that would have led to gun confiscation. Progressives like Abrams want weapon confiscations…
Not to anyone’s surprise ABC’s This Week panel argued in favor of more gun control, even gun confiscation, citing what other countries have done in wake of mass shootings. News flash for anyone not up…