Ferguson RACISTS Punch, Spit on Rams Fans
The news reports them as protestors, but punching and spitting on people peacefully attending a football game IMO is a hate a crime thus labeling them as racists. Had this been a black on white…
The news reports them as protestors, but punching and spitting on people peacefully attending a football game IMO is a hate a crime thus labeling them as racists. Had this been a black on white…
Who gave the US Patent & Trademark Office the power to cancel a company or in this case a sports teams name and trademark over political opinion? The Washington Redskins name IS NOT racist or…
Charlie Rangel is DC’s version of a Sharpton and Jackson race hustler. West hammered Rangel over his race baiting comments while ignoring real issues like the lack of jobs or Mayor de Blasio cutting funding…
Race hustlers over at MSDNC are capitalizing off of Cliven Bundy’s controversial racial statements. It wouldn’t be complete without honorary race hustler and CAIR agent Rep Keith Ellison chiming in along with propagandist Jonathan Alter…
The master of divide and conquer spreading more lies at the nation racist convention! There is NO voter suppression, hell there was apparently massive voter fraud in North Carolina! Obama and his radical ilk like…
This is outrageous but not unexpected from a race hustler like Holder speaking at Al “I’m a Rat” Sharpton’s National Action Network convention. If I recall Holder is the one that had an attitude during…
Apparently they forgot about the charter schools in NY, like Harlem Central Middle School,that are all black with students testing higher than those in the public school system! The left is against the charter school…
MSDNC propagandists must have meetings every morning along with company wide emails telling all staff to work racism into every single story. The vote failed deal with it, it had nothing to do with racism….
Allen West saying the things most people on the right are afraid to say! West lists plenty of examples of the double standards and racist practices coming from obama and Holder. What you are witnessing…
These people have no shame, everything is a joke to them. Someone ought to remind Melissa Harris Perry no matter how much she denies it she is half white! Now if that was a member…